Saturday, August 20, 2016

New title, same blog, same reviews, same reviewer, new pen name

New title, same blog, same reviews, same reviewer, new pen name

Introducing Ralph Santini (my new pen name)

Hi it's me Joe, I've dediced to reconstruct my blog not only to rewrite selected reviews for the better but also writing it with a proper pen name. It was suggested on a name game with an uncle from Texas, now residing in Bronxville, New York and I think it'll be more secure than real name. The pen name will be Ralph Santini and that's the name my Uncle has christened me for the game. That's what my ultimate movie compendium shall be known as from now on "Ralph Santini's Ultimate Movie Compendium". But the reviews are going to be the same i've written but with a good number of significant improvements. That's why i've deleted all of them to make them more comprehensible and more original. Hope you enjoy it, 

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